Cheesequake State Park and Longstreet Farm

We were planning a portrait shoot at a park this weekend, but unfortunately that fell through. These things happen, and we will reschedule soon!! So, this morning I decided I should go out and shoot some more outdoor stuff! I decided to go to Cheesequake State Park. Unbeknownst to me, the Hashathon was getting ready to start! It was very busy, and since I didn’t want to be in way of these runners, I ended up spending only a little bit of time there.

I spent most of my time around the Hooks Creek Lake:

Hooks Creek Lake at Cheesequake State Park. I love the sky!
Hooks Creek Lake at Cheesequake State Park. I love the sky!

The Canadian Geese landed in the water, creating these beautiful ripples.

The Canadian Geese landed in the water, creating these beautiful ripples.

When I walked to the other side of Hooks Creek Lake, I noticed the fall colors. Couldn't help myself, and shot this picture. I was really hoping for more reflection, but unfortunately, that didn't happen.
When I walked to the other side of Hooks Creek Lake, I noticed the fall colors. Couldn’t help myself, and shot this picture. I was really hoping for more reflection, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

I then drove to Historic Longstreet Farm in Holmdel. It’s a place I have been to a ton of times, but there’s always something to shoot!

This time, the theme of my visit was “Farm Animals”

No idea what kind of bird this is, but it was a good challenge trying to get a good photo!
No idea what kind of bird this is, but it was a good challenge trying to get a good photo!
These horses were hard at work at the farm. While the humans weren't being lazy either, the horses did all the heavy work, it seemed like!
These horses were hard at work at the farm. While the humans weren’t being lazy either, the horses did all the heavy work, it seemed like!
This pig was just taking a nap. Unlike his buddies the horses, he clearly had the day off!
This pig was just taking a nap. Unlike his buddies the horses, he clearly had the day off!
This bird was sitting on top of a structure, but I was able to grab a quick shot!
This bird was sitting on top of a structure, but I was able to grab a quick shot!
This sheep was just mesmerized with a small child wearing bright colors to my right. I was able to get this quick "portrait."
This sheep was just mesmerized with a small child wearing bright colors to my right. I was able to get this quick “portrait.”
There were several cats roaming around. This one, however, was the only one that sat still long enough for me to take its picture.
There were several cats roaming around. This one, however, was the only one that sat still long enough for me to take its picture.

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